Friday, May 27, 2011


Ryan Giggs had the support of his wife, Stacey Cooke, after Manchester United midfielder admitted having an affair with model Imogen Thomas.

Giggs is rumored affair with a model from Wales, Imogen Thomas, after a British MP, John hemming, referring to the Manchester United winger is having an affair with the sexy model.

Imogen also bluntly confirmed Giggs has a special relationship with him. Even one of the stars of reality show Big Brother UK, said Giggs really fall in love with him, not just cheating.

Despite widespread rumors of this affair, but Giggs's wife, Stacey is still supported by her husband. Stacey Giggs does not want to lose focus ahead of the Champions League final.

According to The Daily Mail newspaper, Giggs has admitted his actions to Stacey. But the mother of two children were still expressed his support for the 37-year player.

A source told the Daily Mail, "Ryan (Giggs) and he loves upset Stacey had made ​​her sad. Giggs says the affair is uncontrolled madness."

"But, he did not regret having to admit it, because in the end, he did so to protect the most loved, that two of his children,"continued the source.

Stacey was reportedly upset with the actions Giggs after leaving the house without wearing her wedding ring. However, Stacey has now been re-accepted Giggs.


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